Winning Health | Gold Coast Health Plan | Issue 3 | Winter 2022

2 24-Hour Advice Nurse Line: 1-877-431-1700/TTY 711 2022 © Coffey Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Member Services Luis Aguilar Health Education Lupe González, PhD, MPH Editor-in-Chief Susana Enriquez-Euyoque Chief Medical Officer Nancy R. Wharfield, MD Copy Editor Calley Griffith WINNING HEALTH is published as a community service for the friends and patrons of GOLD COAST HEALTH PLAN, 711 E. Daily Drive, Suite #106, Camarillo, CA 93010-6082, telephone 1-888-301-1228/TTY 1-888-310-7347. Information in WINNING HEALTH comes from a wide range of medical experts. If you have any concerns or questions about specific content that may affect your health, please contact your health care provider. Models may be used in photos and illustrations. WINNING If you are a Kaiser or AmericasHealth Plan member, this information may not apply to you. New Medi-Cal program The state Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) has designed a new program. The goal of the program is to improve the health and well-being of Medi-Cal members beyond the usual health care services, make services work together better, and improve the quality of services. The program is called California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM). CalAIM includes a new benefit, Enhanced Care Management (ECM), and new services called Community Supports (CS). Gold Coast Health Plan (GCHP) started offering CalAIM benefits and services to members in January 2022. Enhanced Care Management (ECM) ECM is a benefit that offers more services to members with very complex needs. This new benefit can help you get the care you need to stay healthy. If you qualify for ECM, you will have your own care team led by a care coordinator. This person will talk to you and your providers, including: ● Mental health providers. ● Specialists. ● Pharmacists. ● Case managers. ● Social services providers. ● And others. Everyone will work together to get you the care you need. They can also help you find and apply for other services. Community Supports (CS) CS are services that eligible members may use to help with social needs, such as housing and food. CS can help you stay healthier. They can prevent more serious health problems, hospital stays, or emergency room visits. GCHP offers these CS to eligible members who are homeless or at risk of being homeless and have certain health issues. CS offers: ● Housing services to help: • Find housing. • Navigate housing benefits. • Pay for some costs when moving in (like deposits). • Stay in housing once moved in. ● Recuperative care. This is for continued care in a safe, clean place after a hospital stay. Members may be eligible for healthy meals to keep from getting sicker or going back in the hospital if they: ● Have congestive heart failure. ● Had a hospital stay. If you qualify, you may be contacted about ECM or CS services. You can also call GCHP at 1-888-301-1228 or talk to your health care provider. If you use a TTY, call 1-888-310-7347 . Taking part in ECM or CS is voluntary. You can decline these services if you don’t want them.