Winning Health | Gold Coast Health Plan | Issue 3 | Winter 2018
winning health member news MY GOLD CARE TM Supporting you and your family Palliative care and hospice care are not the same ■ ■ Palliative care is used while patients continue active treatment for their medical conditions. ■ ■ Hospice care is for people who are terminally ill. Care is given during the last six months of life when treatment is no longer curative. G old Coast Health Plan (GCHP) has a new palliative care program for members who have advanced illnesses. The name of the program is My Gold Care. If you have a serious illness, such as heart, lung, liver, or advanced cancer disease, My Gold Care is available to you while you continue treatment. When you join My Gold Care, a team works with your doctor to provide comfort and support for you and your family. The team is made up of doctors, nurses, social workers, and spiritual leaders. Based on your needs, you may be seen by one or several providers. You do not have to give up your own doctor when you join My Gold Care. The program is available to you while you receive treatment. It does not depend on whether or not your condition can be cured. The goal of My Gold Care is to prevent and ease your symptoms. Your My Gold Care team can: ■ ■ Coordinate your care with all of your health care providers. ■ ■ Provide emotional support for you and your family. ■ ■ Explain your health goals and concerns to your team. ■ ■ Manage symptoms like pain, shortness of breath, fatigue and difficulty sleeping. ■ ■ Manage feelings of anxiety, depression and stress. ■ ■ Help with medications and treatment plans. ■ ■ Connect you with services. ■ ■ Make sure you have a smooth transition between the hospital and other services, such as home or nursing care. GCHP members who join My Gold Care can expect expert attention. Your team will spend time with you and your family to help you understand your condition, care options and address other needs. The team can work with you at home or in an outpatient setting, depending on your needs. This results in well-planned, complete treatment throughout your illness. Don’t wait to get the help you deserve. If you suffer from a serious illness, you may qualify for My Gold Care. Talk to your doctor about adding palliative care specialists to your treatment team. Your doctor will decide if you qualify. health winning Member Services Luis Aguilar Health Education Lupe González, PhD, MPH Editor-in-Chief Steven Lalich Copy Editor Susana Enriquez-Euyoque Chief Medical Officer Nancy R. Wharfield, MD WINNING HEALTH is published as a community service for the friends and patrons of GOLD COAST HEALTH PLAN, 711 E. Daily Drive, Suite #106, Camarillo, CA 93010- 6082, telephone 1-888-301-1228/TTY 1-888-310-7347. Information in WINNING HEALTH comes from a wide range of medical experts. If you have any concerns or questions about specific content that may affect your health, please contact your health care provider. Models may be used in photos and illustrations. 2018 © Coffey Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
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