Winning Health | Gold Coast Health Plan | Issue 1 | Summer 2022

24-Hour Advice Nurse Line: 1-877-431-1700/TTY 711 2022 © Coffey Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Member Services Luis Aguilar Health Education Lupe González, PhD, MPH Editor-in-Chief Susana Enriquez-Euyoque Chief Medical Officer Nancy R. Wharfield, MD Copy Editor Calley Griffith WINNING HEALTH is published as a community service for the friends and patrons of GOLD COAST HEALTH PLAN, 711 E. Daily Drive, Suite #106, Camarillo, CA 93010-6082, telephone 1-888-301-1228/TTY 1-888-310-7347. Information in WINNING HEALTH comes from a wide range of medical experts. If you have any concerns or questions about specific content that may affect your health, please contact your health care provider. Models may be used in photos and illustrations. WINNING If you are a Kaiser or AmericasHealth Plan member, this information may not apply to you. 2 Stay active for your good health There’s good reason to make a point of staying active. For one thing, exercise helps your immune system stay healthy. It’s also a great way to cope with the stress and anxiety you may be feeling. THINK OUTSIDE THE GYM ❱ Take a walk or go for a bike ride. ❱ Dance to your favorite music or invite friends to a vir tual dance par ty. ❱ If you have stairs, climb up and down for 10 minutes at a time. ❱ Work on a strengthening routine with moves like push-ups. ❱ Make up your own jump rope game and invite your friends or family to play. ❱ Stream a free yoga video. ❱ Get out and plant vegetables in your garden or a local community garden. ❱ Play active games, like soccer, with your family. ❱ Make up a circuit workout with different activities in each room, like jumping jacks, burpees, and lunges. Sources: American Council on Exercise; American Heart Association Postpartum care: Mom’s health matters too New moms go through many changes after having a baby. With so much going on, it may be hard to remember to take care of yourself, but doing so will help you and your new baby! The Postpartum Care Extension Program is available to Gold Coast Health Plan (GCHP) members. It provides health care coverage during and after pregnancy for up to 12 months after the end of the pregnancy, regardless of income, citizenship, or immigration status. Giving birth affects your body ●Changes in your uterus (womb): • It will take some time for your uterus to go down to the size it was before you were pregnant. • Your vaginal discharge will be heavy and bright red for the first few days after delivery. • You may still have vaginal discharge that is brown or has a small amount of blood for three to six weeks. ●Changes in your breasts: • Your breasts will grow to be able to feed your baby if you choose to breast feed. • They may feel full, tender, and uncomfortable. • Milk may leak from your nipples. ●Talk to your doctor about any postpartum concerns, such as: • Depression. • Hard stools (constipation). • Hemorrhoids. Remember: Schedule a visit with your doctor for a postpartum visit no more than three months after delivery. Postpartum depression Your body and mind go through many changes during and after pregnancy. Ask for help if you feel empty, emotionless, or sad all or most of the time for longer than two weeks during or after pregnancy. Talk to your doctor if you feel like you don’t love or care for your baby. GCHP members can call 1-855-765-9702 Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. or visit for information about depression or other mental health resources. If you use a TTY, call 1-800-735-2929.