24-Hour Advice Nurse Line: 1-877-431-1700/TTY 711 4 CARE MANAGEMENT We’re here to help Gold Coast Health Plan’s (GCHP) Care Management (CM) team can help members with a variety of needs. The following story about Paula, a fictional GCHP member, shows how the team can help someone with complex needs. Paula was hospitalized after falling. Before she left the hospital, the staff told Paula she would need to see her doctor and other specialized doctors to continue her care. She reached out to the GCHP CM team for help after leaving the hospital. Paula did not understand her illness or her medications. She did not know if other programs would help her. Some doctors were far from her home, and she did not have a car. She needed help understanding how to get to her doctor’s appointments and how to talk to her doctors about the new medications she got at the hospital. Paula also wanted to know how she could care for herself at home. GCHP worked with Paula and helped her better understand her illness and medications. The CM team also worked with her doctor to get her rides to her medical appointments and connected her with community programs. TO TALK TO a CM team member, call 1-805-437-5656, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you use a TTY, call 1-888-310-7347.